Egg Donation

There are few women who are unable to produce their own egg, those women can take advantage of egg donation programme. Donor oocytes are being used more and more now a days, as a means to create a family.


In couple where the female partner no longer possess the biological ability to create a child there is growing demand for oocytes donation from women in their early 40s who fail to conceive after several years of IVF with their own oocytes. It is found that women after 40 years of age have better pregnancy rate with donor oocytes.

The ICMR guidelines for IVF clinics in India permits egg donation and the use of commercial egg donors for this purpose. Our clinic maintains the highest standards for selection of egg donors, screening for disease, repeat checks for sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV, Hepatitis B, C and others checks as requested by couples

Egg donation is required for following patients:

Patients above the age of 32-35 with decreased ovarian / egg reserve
Premature ovarian failure
Menopausal women / Patients with premature menopause
Failed IVF due to poor quality oocytes
Patients whose one or both ovaries have been removed with poor ovarian stimulation with FSH injections.
Risk of inheritable genetic disease in children

Egg donation remains an extremely successful, cost-effective and popular treatment method for achieving a pregnancy. The technique is simple, quite pain-free and has an exceptionally high success rate


Embryo donation is indicated for the couple who are carrier of hereditary disease which may cause significant abnormality to the child, or the couple with abnormal egg and sperm factor.


The patients have had repeated failures of IVF and ICSI are at their wit's end for a solution. Often, they are emotionally prepared even for adoption. It is here that the technique of embryo donation comes into play and gives the woman a chance at carrying and delivering a baby (even if it is not genetically their own).

The couple will be informed about the height, weight, age, eyes and hair color of the donor woman and man. The confidentiality of the donor as well as the recipient couple is strictly maintained. The resulting child is considered the child of the woman who carries it and gives birth and not the child of the donor.

This technique can also be made extremely cost effective for needy and economically backward patients who do not have the resources for repeated IVF trials.


When the male partner has low sperm count or his sperm is of low quality, they need some other man who is willing to donate sperm which will fertilize with egg of the female partner to form an embryo. Donated sperm is accepted to couple where there is no possibility of retrieving sperm naturally or by surgical procedure from a man. The donor sperms are used to either inseminate the woman (IUI) or to fertilize her egg for ICSI procedure.

For couple opting for donor sperms, semen from certified sperm bank is taken. These sperm samples are from fertile donor. Semen found to be normal according to WHO

criteria. Required information in respect of the donor, such as blood group, height, age, educational qualification, colour of skin and eyes are matched with recipient. It is ensured that the sperm donor is free from any medical and genetic diseases. Semen sample will be cryopreserved for at least 6 months. Before cryopreservation and after 6 months, the semen donor will be tested for HIV, Hepatitis B and C and VDRL.

The confidentiality and anonymity of the sperm donor as well as the recipient is strictly maintained.