Q. How much time IVF takes?
IVF mostly involves 04 visits:
A.- Initial Consultation
B. Stimulation
C. Oocytes(Eggs) Retrieval
D.Embryo Transfer.
⦁ 15 days for IVF procedure
Q. Is IVF process painful?
No, IVF is not at all painful because the injections used for IVF are purified and injected in subcutaneous form. The egg collection process is done under light sedation which is totally painless. At the time of embryo transfer anaesthesia is used if required .
Q. How many embryos will be Transfer?
The number of embryos Transfer is typically based on the age and number of eggs retrieved. For young patients on their first cycle, 1-2 embryos are Transfer. Make sure you and your doctor agree on the number of embryos that will be Transfer before they're transferred. Indian law would permit the transfer of 3 embryos.
Q. How will sperm be collected?
Husband will Provide a semen sample at Hospital through masturbation in the morning of egg retrieval. Other methods, such as testicular aspiration — the use of a needle or surgical procedure to extract sperm directly from the testicle — are sometimes required. Donor sperm also can be used. Sperm are separated from the semen fluid in the lab.
Q. Can Couple have sexual relations after embryo transfer ?
It is better to avoid sexual intercourse after embryo transfer for a period of 15 days until the pregnancy test and for 20 more days if the result is positive. In IUI cycles, sexual intercourse is permitted after the procedure until the pregnancy test.
Q. When can Lady resume her work at office?
We normally advice 3 – 4 days of restricted activity after embryo transfer (not complete bed rest). However, you can resume work the next day if there is not too much of travel and physical stress involved in your work pattern.
Q. Can Couple also take ayurvedic / homeopathic co-treatment to boost my fertility?
We would advise you not to mix other therapies with our injections as the adverse effects of such combinations have not been studied.
Q. How many cycles are required to get pregnant?
Number of cycles required (ovulation induction) depend on the age of the patient, general health of the patient, quality of the Eggs, quality of the semen, immunological factors of the couple, etc. we always suggest to go for 03 Cycle package for Patient Economical and Moral Benefit and Success
Q. What is infertility?
Infertility is typically defined as the inability to achieve pregnancy after one year of unprotected intercourse. If you have been trying to conceive for a year or more, you should consider an infertility evaluation. However, if you are 35 years or older, you should begin the infertility evaluation after about six months of unprotected intercourse rather than a year, so as not to delay potentially needed treatment. If you have a reason to suspect an underlying problem, you should seek care earlier
Q. What are some common problems in women that can result in infertility?
Anovulation–Anovulation means lack of ovulation, or absent ovulation. Ovulation, which is the release of an egg from the ovary, must happen in order to achieve pregnancy. If ovulation is irregular, but not completely absent, this is called oligovulation. Both anovulation and oligovulation are kinds of ovulatory dysfunction. Ovulatory dysfunction is a common cause of female infertility, occurring in approximately 25% of infertile women
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) – Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common hormonal disorder that affects 5-10% of women.
Abnormal Body Weight– Obesity immediately brings to mind associations with hypertension, diabetes and heart disease. Yet, most people are surprised to learn that there is an association between obesity and infertility. Epidemiological data confirm that obesity accounts for 6% of primary infertility, and even more surprising, that low body weight in women accounts for 6% of primary infertility. Thus, 12% of primary infertility results from deviations in body weight from established norms, and that this infertility can be corrected by restoring body weight to within normal established limits. More than 70% of women who are infertile as the result of body weight disorders will conceive spontaneously if their weight disorder is corrected through a weight-gaining or weight-reduction diet as appropriate.
Endometriosis– Endometriosis is an often painful disorder in which tissue that normally lines the inside of your uterus — the endometrium — grows outside your uterus. Endometriosis most commonly involves your ovaries, bowel or the tissue lining your pelvis. Rarely, endometrial tissue may spread beyond your pelvic region.
Fibroids– Uterine fibroids are noncancerous growths of the uterus that often appear during your childbearing years. Also called fibromyomas, leiomyomas or myomas, uterine fibroids aren’t associated with an increased risk of uterine cancer and almost never develop into cancer. Fibroids that change the shape of the uterine cavity (submucous) or are within the cavity (intracavitary) decrease fertility by about 70% and removal of these fibroids increases fertility by 70%. Other types of fibroids, those that are within the wall (intramural) but do not change the shape of the cavity, or those that bulge outside the wall (subserosal) do not decrease fertility, and removal of these types of fibroids does not increase fertility.
Q. What is IVF ?
IVF is a method of assisted reproductive technology (ART) in which eggs and sperm are combined outside the womb (uterus) in a specialized laboratory. If the egg fertilizes and begins cell division, the resulting embryo can be transferred into the woman’s uterus where it will hopefully implant in the uterine lining and further develop to a healthy infant. It can also be frozen and saved for the future.
IVF is currently the most effective form of assisted reproductive technology. The procedure can be done using a woman’s own eggs and a partner’s sperm, or sperm or eggs from a known or anonymous donor. Additionally, a gestational carrier/surrogate may be used to carry the pregnancy.
Q. What Other Procedures Can Be Combined with IVF?
While IVF has a long history, dating back to 1978, new techniques and procedures have increased the success rates and lowered the costs.
ICSI– Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection This procedure allows a fertility specialist to inject a single sperm into an egg. New screening technologies allow fertility specialists to combine the healthiest sperm and egg. This procedure has improved the chances of an egg being fertilized and resulting in an embryo that can be transferred into the uterus.
PGS – Pre-Implantation Genetic Screening / CCS (Comprehensive Chromosome Screening) It is possible to analyze biopsied cells from an embryo before implantation to determine whether it has a chromosomal error or genetic mutation present. This helps avoid implanting embryos that will not likely lead to a healthy pregnancy.
FET –Frozen Embryo Transfer Frozen embryos created during IVF can be used at later time for transfer into the uterus. This procedure has high success rates, allows banking of embryos, and gives patients an opportunity to get pregnant when they choose
Q. Does IVF Lead to Twins and Multiple Births?
In the past, physicians recommended transferring multiple embryos to improve the chances of fertility since knowing which embryo was viable was hard to determine. This sometimes led to multiple births
However, new advances like extended blastocyst culture and PGS/CCS have made this less necessary. In fact, due to the potential health risks related to multiple births, most fertility specialists advise against implanting more than one embryo at a time unless indicated. Instead, viable embryos can be frozen and stored for future use.
Q. Aren’t Frozen Eggs Less Effective Than Fresh Eggs?
Historically, success rates with fresh embryos were higher than frozen because of the risk of damage in the thawing process. However, vitrification (egg or embryo freezing) technology leads to about 99% embryo survival, which means that success rates with frozen embryos is comparable to fresh embryos.
Also, a pregnancy using frozen embryos may lead to healthier long-term fetal outcomes. This is because freezing allows forComprehensive Chromosome Screening (CCS) / Preimplantation Genetic Screening (PGS) and Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD), which can allow for healthier embryos with a greater chance of leading to a live birth. Another benefit is that freezing lets a woman’s hormone levels to “cool off” after egg retrieval and stimulation. That means that fertility specialists can transfer embryos at a time when a woman’s hormone levels are stable and may improve implantation of the embryo and pregnancy development.
Vitrification technology has also led to significant improvements in egg freezing outcomes, giving women the chance to preserve fertility for the future.
Q. What is infertility?
Most IVF procedures are minimally invasive and are performed on an outpatient basis. While it is recommended that patients not over-exert themselves, most patients return to work the next day following an egg retrieval and can return to their regular exercise routine by their next menstrual cycle. Following an embryo transfer, most doctors recommend a 15 days of bed rest.
Q. Am I Too Old for IVF?
Among women older than 35, the success of IVF treatments may diminish, since with age comes declining ovarian reserve and egg quality.However, advanced ART regimes, such as PGS/CCS may expedite treatment and improve the likelihood of a successful pregnancy by identifying and replacing only viable embryos into the uterus. Women who pursue these treatments have implantation rates (pregnancy per embryo transferred) comparable to younger women, since the biggest barrier to success is often the identification of a healthy embryo.
Similarly, if an older woman uses a donor egg, she has a high likelihood of success, since younger eggs are more likely to be viable and the age of the uterus does not significantly alter pregnancy rates. Women can successfully conceive a child through IVF treatment up to age 50 years using donated eggs. They then have the same chances of success as those women younger than 35 years.

Do I Need IVF? I’m Not Trying to Get Pregnant Right Now.
A growing number of women are choosing to preserve their fertility for the future. By harvesting eggs when they are still in their early-to-mid thirties, they improve their chances of having a biological child in the future.
Q. Can IVF Help Me?
IVF procedures have expanded to help more and more patients to achieve their dream of growing their family.
⦁ Women with PCOS, endometriosis or other physical issues that impair their ability to get pregnant.
⦁ Women over age 35 who can get pregnant but suffer recurring loss or miscarriage.
⦁ Men who may have fertility issues can improve their chances of conceiving
⦁ LGBT couples who wish to have their own children using a gestational carrier or reciprocal IVF.
⦁ Men and women whose fertility is at risk due to a diagnosis of cancer or other conditions requiring toxic treatments.
⦁ Also, many who work in high-risk careers (fields such as chemistry, heavy industry or the military) have turned to IVF as a means of preserving their fertility in case of an unexpected loss of fertility.
Q. How early can you take a home pregnancy test after embryo transfer?
About 9-11 days after the transfer (9 days for day 5 transfer and 11 daysfor day 3 transfer), we do a blood test to find out if she is pregnant. If embryo implantation has occurred, HCG hormone will be detectable in the mother's blood at that time. We don't recommend doing a urine pregnancy test (HPT) after IVF.
Q. When is IVF Needed?
Because the IVF process bypasses the fallopian tubes (it was originally developed for women with blocked or missing fallopian tubes), it is the procedure of choice for those with fallopian tube issues, as well as for such conditions as endometriosis, male factor infertility and unexplained infertility. A physician can review a patient’s history and help to guide them to the treatment and diagnostic procedures that are most appropriate for them.
Q. Are there risks to having a baby through IVF?
While some research suggests a slightly higher incidence of birth defects in IVF-conceived children compared with the general population (4 - 5% vs. 3%), it is possible that this increase is due to factors other thanIVF treatmentitself.
It is important to recognize that the rate of birth defects in the general population is about 3% of all births for major malformations and 6% if minor defects are included. Recent studies have suggested that the rate of major birth defects in IVF-conceived children may be on the order of 4 to 5%. This slightly increased rate of defects has also been reported for children born after IUI and for naturally-conceived siblings of IVF children, thus it is possible that the risk factor is inherent in this particular patient population rather than in the technique used to achieve conception.
Research indicates that IVF-conceived children are on par with the general population in academic achievement as well as with regards to behavioral and psychological health. More studies are under way to further investigate this important issue.
Q. Are IVF injections painful?
The prospect of daily injections can be overwhelming. While injections are a necessary part ofIVF treatment,we have designed our medication schedules and injection type to minimize discomfort and stress; and our nurses carefully instruct and support every patient throughout this process. Medications that once had to be injected into the muscle have been replaced by medications given as a small injection under the skin (subcutaneous). Such injections are most commonly taken over a 10-12 day period, followed by one intramuscular injection of hCG, a hormone that triggers ovulation at the conclusion of the stimulation cycle. The hCG injection, previously only available in an intramuscular form, is now available in a subcutaneous form (Ovidrel) for patients that wish to avoid intramuscular injection. Although the recombinant subcutaneous form of hCG in Ovidrel has not been around as long as intramuscular hCG, all indications are that it is just as effective.
After egg retrieval, patients are given a progesterone hormone supplement in order to prepare the lining of the uterus for the embryo transfer. For most patients, progesterone may be taken in a vaginal tablet or vaginal suppository form rather than an injection. In this way, injections may be avoided entirely during the second half of the IVF cycle. Progesterone vaginal tablets and suppositories have been proven to be as effective as progesterone injections.
Q. Is the egg retrieval procedure painful?
Because anesthesia is used for egg retrieval, patients feel nothing during the procedure.Egg retrievalis a minor surgery, in which a vaginal ultrasound probe fitted with a long, thin needle is passed through the wall of the vagina and into each ovary. The needle punctures each egg follicle and gently removes the egg through a gentle suction. Anesthesia wears off quickly once egg retrieval is concluded. Patients may feel some minor cramping in the ovaries that can be treated with appropriate medications.
Q. How long do out of town patients have to stay in Nashik?
Many of our patients come from other parts of the Maharashtra, and throughout India. Medical, nurse coordinator andfinancial consultations for IVFall can be done by telephone; many of the required screening tests and procedures, including initial fertility stimulation treatment, can be coordinated with a patient’s local gynecologist or reproductive endocrinologist. Those who have started stimulation treatment will need to travel to our clinic about once in 3-4 days as per the schedule. Most patients need to be in Nashik for 4 days to 1 week minimum. Our staff is always available to help and counsel out of town patients throughout treatment, via telephone or e-mail and whatsapp.
Q. How soon can out of town patients travel home after IVF treatment?
Most of our out of town patients return home the same day after the embryo transfer -- there is no medical reason to stay in Nashik after IVF treatment. All types of travel are safe. Sitting for an extended period of time will not affect chances of pregnancy. We recommend that patients traveling by air drink plenty of fluids, as circulated air can be quite dry, and dehydration should be avoided.
Q. Is IVF using up all a woman’s eggs?
A woman’s ovaries house hundreds of potential eggs. Each month, during the natural ovulation cycle, the ovary selects just one egg from a pool of 100-1,000. Those eggs which are not selected undergo a natural cell death process called atresia. When a woman usesfertility medication,the body’s natural selection process is overridden, and a number of these otherwise unused eggs are allowed to grow. As many as 20 eggs may be stimulated in a given cycle. Thus when using fertility medication in the IVF process, not only is the woman not using up all of her eggs, but she is ‘rescuing’ eggs that otherwise would have undergone atresia.
Q. What are the chances of pregnancy with frozen embryos?
In general, the success of frozen-thawed embryo transfer procedures depends on three factors:
⦁ The quality and survival of the frozen-thawed embryos. In general, we only freeze good quality embryos so the current rate of survival is greater than 90%.
⦁ The age of the woman who produced the eggs.In patients under the age of 37, the chances of pregnancy with frozen-thawed embryos are similar to a pregnancy with fresh embryos.In patients 37 years or older, pregnancy chances with frozen-thawed embryos decline in conjunction with declining fertility in general, but still can be quite good. As always it is best to discuss a woman’s individual situation with their physician.
⦁ The status of the uterus in the woman receiving the embryos. A healthy endometrial lining free of any interfering fibroids or polyps provides a sound environment for embryo implantation.
Q. Can I exercise while I’m undergoing IVF treatment?
⦁ Yes, but you should refrain from high-impact exercise and opt for workouts such as walking, swimming, yoga, or cycling during IVF treatment. Leading up to the beginning of the IVF cycle you may exercise as you normally do, but as you get closer to the egg retrieval we will ask that exercise be decreased for health and safety reasons.
Q. What are the precautions or restrictions during an IVF cycle for a lady ?
Physical restriction :
⦁ Heavy exercise like aerobics, jogging, weight lifting are prohibited during ovarian stimulation until the pregnancy test results are known.
⦁ Smoking / alcohol consumption should also be avoided during stimulation.
⦁ If a lady is under some medical treatment , please consult the doctor whether prescribed medicine are safe during stimulation protocol. As some medications may interfere with the fertility medication.
Emotional issue :
⦁ As IVF cycle may be an emotional and stressful time for some couple, it may be helpful for a lady to talk to a supportive person like friend or a close family member. She can also take a help from counselor from the fertility clinic.
Q. What can be done to improve sperm quality required for ART cycle ?
⦁ Spermatogenesis or sperm production cycle takes about 3 months time. Sperm quality on the egg retrieval day is often related to what happened in the male’s body 3 months ago. Listed below is guide lines to help ensure that semen specimen on oocyte pickup day is of best possible quality.
⦁ A fever more than 101°C within 3 months prior to ART treatment may adversely affect sperm quality, sperm count and motility may appear normal, but fertilization may not occur. Body temperature should be maintained below 100o C with medicine during or before ART cycle.
⦁ Keep the use of alcohol or cigarettes to a minimum before and during ART cycle. Do not use any ‘recreational’ drugs.
⦁ Any other medicine use should be brought into notice of fertility specialist doctor.
⦁ Avoid hot tubs, spas, jacuzzis, or saunas during 3 months prior to ART cycle.
⦁ Avoid heavy exercise, physical activity at a moderate level is acceptable and encouraged.
⦁ Refrain from ejaculation for 2-3 days, but not more than 5 days prior to semen collection on oocyte pick up day.
Q. Is there depletion in store of eggs by undergoing an IVF cycle ?
A: A woman is born with a full complement of eggs. There are far more eggs than will ever be used during a normal life time. IVF procedure have no measurable “lowering” effects.
Q. Is it possible to have a child after tubectomy operation?
⦁ Yes, woman can also be a mother after tubal ligation operation. We offer tow procedures for that.
⦁ Tubal Recanalization : This minor surgical procedure is done of outpatient basis with a success rate of about 80%. The other option is
⦁ IVF-ET : In this procedure eggs are fertilized outside the body and resultant embryos are transferred to the uterus , thus bypassing the fallopian tube,
Q. Who need to consider using an egg donor?
Following are the indication for egg donation
⦁ Poor egg quality
⦁ Premature ovarian failure
⦁ Age
⦁ Previous multiple IVF failure
⦁ Genetic cause
In this procedure eggs are retrieved from recipients either known or unknown donor, fertilized with husband’s sperm and resultant embryos are transferred to recipient’s uterus. Success rates are extremely high with this process.
Q. When should one can consider IVF ?
Following are the indication for IVF consideration.
⦁ Tubal problem
⦁ Male factor
⦁ Endometriosi
⦁ Uterine problems
⦁ Unexplained infertility
⦁ Age
⦁ Previous IUI failure
⦁ Ovulatory problems
⦁ Antibody problems that harm sperm or eggs
⦁ Cervical inhospitality
Q. These are the basic five steps of an IVF cycle.
Following are the indication for IVF consideration.
⦁ ovulation induction :- injectables medicines is used to stimulate development of multiple mature follicles
⦁ Egg retrieval : when the follicles are mature, the egg aspiration procedure is performed to remove the eggs. An ultrasound guided vaginal aspiration with special ovum pick up needle is simple and easy procedure.
⦁ Fertilization and embryo culture: sperms are either mixed or injected into an oocyte on various times interval depending upon the maturity of the oocyte. The resultant embryos are cultured for 3 or for 5 days.
⦁ Embryo transfer : with the help of embryo transfer catheter embryos are delicately transferred near the top of the endometrial cavity.
⦁ Pregnancy test : About 11 days after embryo transfer a blood test is done for pregnancy hormone
Q. Does male obesity play a role in infertility ?
Many scientific studies demonstrated a dramatic increase in sperm DNA fragmentation in obese man, leading to the significant reduction in sperm quality. There may be an increase in the miscarriage rate for men with high-level fragmented DNA damage. Increased sperm DNA fragmentation due to oxidative stress may be due to many reasons
⦁ Age more than 50 years, smoking, heat exposure, obesity and environmental toxins. Some of this sperm DNA fragmentation may be reversed. Use of antioxidants may improve sperm count, motility and possibly morphology before an IVF cycle.
Q. Does stress cause infertility ?
⦁ In women with high level of stress may cause disturbances of ovulation, and in men impaired sperm production. Stress reduction will help to cope up with infertility. Suggestion for stress reduction will be open talk partner, exercising regularly , stress relieving activities such as yogo or meditation , avoiding excessive intake of caffeine or other stimulants and to take emotional support from relative or friend.
Q. What is surrogacy ?
There are two types of surrogacy.
Classical surrogacy :- It involves the insemination of a surrogate with the sperm of the father to be. The surrogate – contributes here genes to make up of the child, carries baby to term and then gives baby to intended parents after birth.
Gestational surrogacy :- embryos are created from the egg from the egg donor sperm from father to be, those embryos are transferred to the gestational surrogate.
Q. Are the procedure involved in IVF is painful ?
Pre cycle tests are some of blood test, and scanning which can be done at any infertility clinic with minimal discomfort. Once you are already to start the IVF process you have to take few medicines & injections. Injections are administered subcutaneous with a short needle and discomfort should be tolerable. Only progesterone injection given intra muscularly.
The main procedure involved in IVF is the egg retrieval and this is performed through the vagina with ultrasound and a fine needle. Patients at our center are asleep during this procedure and are cared for by a team of anesthesiologists. Patients have no pain with this procedure and they wake up very quicly with the egg retrieval lasting 10-15 mins. The embryo procedure is again a very simple one. A very light anaesthesia is required when there are specific problems with the cervix.
Q. How to manage stress, grief & loss during an IVF cycle?
There is no question that the whole process of infertility represents a tremendous loss of control over what should be basic function & this causes initially denial then anger & depression. At our center we have trained counselor – you can talk with them during the early stages of your IVF cycle. So that you may best use certain practices & procedures to cope with the stress of assisted reproduction. It is impossible to eliminate stress completely & each of us needs a certain amount of stress in our lives to keep us vital. The important factor is our response to this stress and we need to learn coping strategies which prevent us from reaction in a way that is detrimental to the whole aim of therapy which is to establish and nuture a pregnancy.
Q. What are the fertility treatment options for women over 40 years of age ?
For women above forty years chances of getting pregnancy by their own egg decrease if the base line FSH is less that 11 miu/ml. Second their embryos need Assisted Hatching too as it will increase the chances of implantation. 3rd and most important women above 40 should go for Pre Implantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) as at these age higher percentage of chromosomal abnormalities and mutation in gene observed. The other simple and best option is “egg donation” by any younger lady.
Q. Does Endometriosis affect fertility & also success with IVF ?
Endometriosis is a condition where cells that usually remain confined to the cavity of the uterus, grow outside of the uterus usually on or in the ovaries and also on the surface of the pelvic pain and may also decrease the chances of natural conception by about one-third Patients who require IVF who have endometriosis still have the same chances of a successful outcome as patients of the same age without endometriosis as long as immunological factors that may accompany endometriosis are identified and treated appropriately.
Q. Can fibroids interfere with IVF?
Fibroids are benign tumors consisting of fibrous tissue and muscle which grow in the uterus. The significance of fibroids relates to not only their size but also their location. Even small fibroids located inside the cavity of the uterus where embryos need to implant, may interface with success and need to be removed. Fibroids that do not encroach on the cavity of the uterus are generally not significant unless they are larger than 5 cm in diameter and also if there are many fibroids causing significant uterine enlargement.
Q. What is laparoscopic surgery ?
Laparoscopic surgery is usually preferable to a standard open surgical approach, because this reduces handling of tissues, prevents drying of surfaces & allows better access to & visualization of the deep pelvic structure. It also provides magnification & the ability to achieve more complete hemostasis.The net result is a better restoration of anatomy decreased adhesion formation, lower risk of recurrence of endometriosis or pain & higher pregnancy.
Q. What is the hysteroscopy surgery ?
This is a surgical procedure in which a telescope is inserted through the cervix into the uterus. The cavity of the uterus can then be examined; a procedure such as removal of fibroid, polyp or scar tissue can be performed.
Q. What is the role of an embryologist at a infertility center ?
Fertility treatment is not the result of the efforts of a single expert at a fertility center. Rather, in its best form, fertility treatment is provided by a number of specialists who are experts in their fields. Each of these roles are key to high success rates and helping couples achieve their goals of becoming parents. The role of an embryologist is key to high success rates and healthy babies.
An embryologist is a specialist who studies eggs, sperm, and the embryos they create. Their role in IVF treatment begins during the diagnosis process. These medical professionals analyze sperm and eggs during the diagnosis process to determine if there are defects that must be addressed prior to fertilization.Once an IVF cycle begins, embryologists are responsible for:
⦁ Reviewing and preparing high quality sperm
⦁ Reviewing and determining the quality of harvested eggs
⦁ Fertilizing eggs with sperm including the use of ICSI when needed
⦁ Monitoring embryos as they develop to determine health and quality
Embryologists also perform pre-implantation genetic diagnosis or PGD. During this test a single cell is removed. This cell is then analyzed to determine if the embryo has a chromosomal disease. The PGD process ensures that healthy embryos are transferred and decreases the likelihood of miscarriage. The process is of particular benefit for:
⦁ Women who are over 35
⦁ Individuals who have a family history of genetic disease
⦁ Individuals who know they are carriers for particular diseases
⦁ Couples who have children with genetic disease
⦁ Couples who have had multiple miscarriages or failed IVF attempts
Understanding the health and quality of embryos is crucial to the IVF process. Poor quality embryos are more likely to result in a failed IVF attempt or miscarriage. Transferring high quality embryos significantly reduces the likelihood of pregnancy loss.
Role of Counselor in Infertility :
Infertility treatment can be an emotional rollercoaster ride for couples with their minds are ridden with anxiety, frustration and depression. Since the anxiety and the stress grows over time, counselling is utterly important for such patients. The doctors or counsellors at the best IVF centre try building a rapport with the patient, explain them everything about the treatment and clarify all their doubts. Counselling is necessary and plays an important role in the success of your treatment.
⦁ Counselling is necessary for patients undergoing infertility treatments in Dr. Lad’s Navjeevan Hospital to ensure that their anxiety and stress levels are not aggravated. The counsellor finds where the problem lies and helps the couple in dealing with it. If the couple has different counselling needs, then they are treated accordingly in individual sessions before beginning the couple counselling. The counsellor makes notes of it to study and find a solution best suited to them.
⦁ The counsellor also study the emotional changes and desires of the patient and help in strengthening them. They help the patient in improving their social relationship as well as the relationship between the couple which has been disturbed due to the stress of infertility. The therapy is continued till the time the patient attains a stable state of mind and their social and personal relationships start improving .
⦁ The counsellor also discusses and explains about the procedures IVF, IUI, Surrogacy, Embryo Donation, and Sperm Donation etc that would be best suited according to the patient’s condition and helps them in making a decision. They talk about each and every aspect and supports the patient throughout the treatment to minimise the psychological trauma faced by the patient and ensure successful results.
We want all of our patients to understand that having doubts, questions and going through different emotional states is completely natural during fertility treatment. No matter what you feel like, just discuss it with your counsellor and we assure you that we will help you fight against it and win over it.